
A meditation on God’s providence.

By Alyssa Tan


The bee that pollinates a blossom is not divine,
but it bears the marks of a clever maker’s hand.

It is covered in glorious dust, knowing not
where it sows its accidental inheritance,
nor if it springs forth fruit.

It only does what it must to get what it needs,
and my, is not bee’s honey sweetest?

Photo by Leandro Fregoni on Unsplash


Alyssa Tan is biracial Chinese and White, and was raised in Taiwan, China, and the Philippines. South East Los Angeles is home to her these days; she has loved living in this diverse, vibrant city for the past four years. A recent graduate in cultural anthropology, she is passionate about culture, social justice, and faith, and loves any opportunity to explore these intersections.

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